Cab picture of articulated 3.5 tons small outdoor handling forklift-LandTiger35 (KDJY35)

Cab picture of articulated 3.5 tons small outdoor handling forklift-LandTiger35

Cab picture of articulated 3.5 tons small outdoor handling forklift-LandTiger35
Cab picture of articulated 3.5 tons small outdoor handling forklift-LandTiger35 (KDJY35)
Cab picture of articulated 3.5 tons small outdoor handling forklift-LandTiger35(inside)
Cab picture of articulated 3.5 tons small outdoor handling forklift-LandTiger35 (KDJY35)

This is a standard enclosed cab for Kaystar LT35(KDJY35) all-terrain forklift, with seats, operating levers, steering controls, gear levers, instrument panels, accelerators, brakes, parking brakes, power knife switches,fans, etc., and heating and air conditioning systems can be installed.

Fork extension for RTFL- Kaystar off-road forklift factory